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Official Fees:
USD 600.00
Professional Fees:
USD 300.00
USD 85.00
Courier Fees:
USD 60.00

USD 1,045.00

OAPI Trademark Registration

Agent: Vanessa Halle

Service Description

OAPI is a multi-class jurisdiction. The complete fees for the registration of a Trademark includes:
i. OAPI official fee
- Base registration in 1 class: USD 600
- Each additional class: USD 127
- Priority claim: USD 127
- Filing regulations determining conditions of use of a collective / certification / co-owned Trademark: USD 220
- Divisional application: USD 600
- For Divisional Applications - Each additional class: USD 127

ii. Professional fee
- Base registration in 1 class: USD 300
- Each additional class: USD 80
- Priority claim: USD 105
- Filing regulations determining conditions of use of a collective / certification / co-owned Trademark: EUR 100
- Divisional application: USD 300
- For Divisional Application - Each additional class: USD 80


Which countries are member states of OAPI?

OAPI member states are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros Islands, Congo Brazzaville, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.

What edition of the NICE Classification does OAPI follow?

OAPI follows the current Nice Classification of goods and services at any given time.

What type of filing system does OAPI operate?

OAPI operates a multi class filing system wherein an application may cover more than one class of goods or services, additional fees payable after the first and each subsequent class.

Can I designate particular countries when filing an OAPI application?

No. When filing an application at OAPI, it is not possible to designate specific countries. Rather, a single application is filed which covers all member states at time of filing.

Is it possible to file national application in an OAPI member state?

No, this is not possible. Upon joining OAPI, all member states waive their rights to national IP filings. Although each member state has a national liaison office, this liaison office does not examine applications nor grant rights.

What are the working languages of OAPI

The working languages of OAPI are English and French. OAPI official languages are English and French. Where a trademark is comprised of characters in neither of these languages, a transliteration and or translation must be filed at OAPI. All documents filed in support of applications must be in either English or French.

How long is a Trademark valid for?

A trademark is valid for 10 years from the filing date; however, the trademark may be preserved indefinitely through successive renewals which may be done every 10 years.

What documents are required for filing a Trademark application?

✓ Details of applicant / owner (Name and full address). ✓ Classes of goods/services as well as corresponding list of class specification. ✓ Representation of trademark (Word mark or logo in MS Word / .doc format). ✓ Details of Priority and Priority documents (if claiming Priority). ✓ Simply signed original Power of Attorney (we prepare and provide you with this document upon receipt of instructions). ✓ Regulations of use for a collective mark, certification mark, or co-owned mark.

Can I appeal a decision rejecting my application?

Yes. The applicant may appeal to the High Commission of Appeal within 60 days of the notification of the rejection decision.

When does the opposition window against a Trademark start running?

For trademarks filed after 01/01/2022, interested parties have 3 months from publication of the application for registration in the Trademark journal, within which to file an opposition or claim of ownership action.

How is priority claimed in OAPI?

Any person wishing to avail himself of the priority of an earlier application must file his application for registration at OAPI within six months of the previous filing date. Within three months of filing the application, the Priority documents must be filed pat the Registry.

Can a Trademark be jointly owned?

Yes, it is possible for a Trademark to be owned by several people. However, the regulations determining conditions of use must be submitted to the Registry.

Is it possible to file a divisional application?

Yes. Any initial application concerning several goods or services may be divided by the applicant or at his request into several applications, called divisional applications. The division of the initial application may only concern the list of products and services covered by the application. Divisional applications retain the filing date of the initial application and, where applicable, the benefit of the right of priority.

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